Leyre Wellness

My Story

& Journey into Healing


“I am a creator, writer and nurturer.”

My expertise is as a wellness specialist, training my clients to cultivate deep inner connection and return to their heart centres. I have led extensive trainings in both Spain and Canada, and now I do it globally.

The path that brought me here began with a literal loss of breath.

As a child I had terrible asthma that gave me the sensation of asphyxia and fatigue. This loss of breath was pervasive in my family. One full generation of my relatives did not live to their 40’s. My youth was spent in hospitals, holding the hands of my ill loved ones. I saw my father’s face for the last time at age 14, covered in an oxygen mask as his body lost the fight with severe pneumonia. These experiences compelled me to an in-depth exploration of the mind-body connection. There had to be more access to wellness beyond the fate of poor health diagnosis! Surely there was a way to be vital and fully alive - and I was determined to discover it. 

Travelling the world in search of my quest, I worked intimately with knowledge keepers who mentored me in ancient practices. Modalities of Reiki, Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, First Nations teachings and psycho-spiritual personal development shaped me into a new human being.

After years of applying this work through the deepest layers of my own life, I found myself with a profound calling - to guide people to vitality, connection, inner truth and healing through breathwork. I look forward crossing paths and to sharing the profoundly healing practice of breathwork with you.

with love, leyre.png

“I knew the power and importance of breathing from my holistic nutritional background, but I had never heard of a breathing class, and I never knew how powerful they could be. Each class had its own magical journey; I went from fully relaxed to having body spasms that liberated stored energy in my body, or from not being able to fully relax to suddenly fall into a bliss of deep relaxation.”
